Apr 20th 2023

Aluminum vs Titanium: Best Stakes for Your Tipi Tent

When it comes to camping gear, few items are as essential as tent stakes. These small but mighty tools help secure your tent to the ground, keeping you safe and comfortable during your outdoor adventure. While there are many different types of tent stakes available, two of the most popular materials are aluminum and titanium. In this blog post, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of both aluminum stakes and titanium pegs, with a focus on their use with tipi tents.

Aluminum Stakes: Pros and Cons

Aluminum stakes are a popular choice for many campers because they are relatively inexpensive and lightweight. They are also easy to find, as they are sold at most outdoor retailers. Here are some of the pros and cons of using aluminum stakes:


Lightweight: Aluminum stakes are generally lighter than titanium pegs, which makes them a popular choice for backpackers and hikers who need to keep their gear weight to a minimum.

Inexpensive: Aluminum stakes are generally less expensive than titanium pegs, which can be an important consideration for budget-conscious campers.

Easy to Find: As previously mentioned, aluminum stakes are widely available, so you should be able to find them at most outdoor retailers.

Durable: While not as durable as titanium, aluminum stakes are still quite strong and can withstand a fair amount of wear and tear.


Not as Strong: Aluminum stakes are not as strong as titanium, which means they may not be able to withstand extreme weather conditions, such as high winds or heavy rain.

Can Bend: Aluminum stakes are also more prone to bending than titanium pegs, which can make them more difficult to remove from the ground.

Tipi tents generally have a larger footprint than traditional tents and require more stakes to keep them secure. For this reason, some campers may opt for aluminum stakes to keep their gear weight down, while others may prefer the strength and durability of titanium pegs.

Titanium Pegs: Pros and Cons

Titanium pegs are a more premium option when it comes to tent stakes. They are more expensive than aluminum stakes, but they also offer greater strength and durability. Here are some of the pros and cons of using titanium pegs:


Strong: Titanium pegs are incredibly strong, which makes them a good choice for campers who will be facing extreme weather conditions.

Lightweight: While not as lightweight as aluminum, titanium is still a relatively lightweight material, which makes these pegs a good choice for backpackers and hikers.

Durable: Titanium pegs are extremely durable and can last for many years with proper care.


Expensive: Titanium pegs are generally more expensive than aluminum stakes, which may make them cost-prohibitive for some campers.

Hard to Find: Titanium pegs are not as widely available as aluminum stakes.

Which Should You Choose?

When it comes to choosing between aluminum stakes and titanium pegs, there is no clear winner. It ultimately depends on your individual needs and preferences. Here are some things to consider:

Budget: If you are on a tight budget, aluminum stakes may be the better option, as they are generally less expensive than titanium pegs.

Terrain: If you will be camping in rocky terrain, you may want to opt for titanium pegs, as they are less likely to bend or break than aluminum stakes.

Weather: If you will be facing extreme weather conditions, such as high winds or heavy rain, you may want to choose titanium pegs for their added strength and durability.

Weight: If you are backpacking or hiking and need to keep your gear weight to a minimum, aluminum stakes may be the better choice.

Tent Size: If you are using a larger tent, such as a tipi tent, you may need more stakes to secure it properly. In this case, you may want to consider using a combination of both aluminum stakes and titanium pegs to balance strength and weight.

Tips for Using Tent Stakes

No matter which type of tent stake you choose, there are some tips to keep in mind to ensure that you are using them effectively:

Choose the right stake for the job: Consider the terrain, weather conditions, and tent size when selecting your stakes.

Use a mallet or hammer: Use a mallet or hammer to pound your stakes into the ground. This will ensure that they are secure and won't come loose. Sometime the weight of a hammer is not accounted for in your pack. In this case you can also utilize a rock or hard log to help put the stakes into the ground.

Angle your stakes: Angle your stakes away from the tent at a 45-degree angle. This will help to prevent them from pulling out of the ground.

Consider adding guylines: Adding guylines to your tent can help to provide additional stability, especially in windy conditions.


When it comes to tent stakes, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Whether you choose aluminum stakes or titanium pegs depends on your individual needs and preferences. Aluminum stakes are lightweight and inexpensive, making them a good choice for budget-conscious campers or those who need to keep their gear weight to a minimum. Titanium pegs are stronger and more durable, making them a good choice for extreme weather conditions or rocky terrain. No matter which option you choose, remember to select the right stake for the job, use a mallet or hammer to secure them into the ground, and consider adding guylines for additional stability. With the right tent stakes and proper technique, you can enjoy a safe and comfortable camping experience.

If you are in the market for a tipi tent, it's worth noting that some models come with a combination of both aluminum stakes and titanium pegs. For example, the Backcountry Lite Mesa Tipi Tent is designed to work well in a variety of camping conditions and comes with both types of stakes.

The tent comes with eight aluminum stakes for use in soft ground, such as grassy or sandy terrain. These stakes are lightweight and easy to pack, making them a great option for backpacking or hiking trips. However, if you encounter harder ground, such as rocky terrain or compacted soil, these aluminum stakes may not provide enough stability.

To address this issue, the Backcountry Lite Mesa Tipi Tent also comes with eight titanium pegs. These pegs are stronger and more durable than aluminum stakes, making them a good choice for challenging camping conditions. They are also corrosion-resistant, which can be helpful if you plan to use your tent in saltwater environments.

By providing both aluminum stakes and titanium pegs, the Backcountry Lite Mesa Tipi Tent gives you the flexibility to adapt to different camping conditions. Whether you're camping in soft grassy meadows or rocky mountain terrain, you'll have the right stake for the job.

In summary, the choice between aluminum stakes and titanium pegs largely depends on your camping needs and preferences. Aluminum stakes are lightweight and budget-friendly, making them a good choice for backpacking or hiking trips. Titanium pegs are stronger and more durable, making them a good choice for extreme weather conditions or rocky terrain. Some tipi tents, such as the Backcountry Lite Mesa, come with both types of stakes to provide flexibility and adaptability to different camping conditions.